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Maori Land

Tēnā koutou katoa

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha, tēnei te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa.

Ki a tātou te hunga ora e tāwharau nei i raro i te korowai o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku, tēnā koutou katoa.

Ko Tararua te maunga

Ko Hokio te moana
Ngati Raukawa ki te tonga te iwi

Ngati Pareraukawa to hapu
Ngatokowaru te marae

Ko Vance Winiata taku ingoa

Nā reira, e ngā iwi, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou kato


Mauri ora kia tatou.


Concept of Maori Land Value

Māori land value is best understood as a combination of its:

  • Economic utility,

  • Cultural significance,

  • Historical importance,

  • Spiritual connection

The concept of Māori land value involves understanding the cultural, and historical significance of land that is owned collectively or individually under Māori customary or freehold title. Māori land value differs from conventional land valuation methods due to its unique legal, spiritual, and communal aspects.

Māori land is primarily governed by Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (The Māori Land Act), which aims to preserve Māori land in Māori ownership. This law recognizes the importance of whenua (land) as a taonga tuku iho (treasure passed down through generations) and prioritizes its protection over commercial considerations.

Unlike standard land valuation, which focuses on market-based factors, Māori land valuation considers:

  • Inalienability: Māori land cannot easily be sold or transferred outside the collective ownership structure. This limits its market value.

  • Restricted Use: Access issues, or collective ownership may limit the land’s potential for development.

  • Shared Ownership: Māori land often has multiple owners, requiring decisions to be made collectively, which can complicate its use or economic value.

  • Development Opportunities: Collective ownership models may lead to innovative approaches like papakāinga housing or marae-based tourism, adding unique value.


Get in touch about your property valuation

021 866 944


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